Abhivyakti Garba Academy celebrates the Navratri festival for 9 days, this year starting from September 29 to October 07, 2019 !!
Even though it is held for a shorter period of time instead of the full nine days, Abhivyakti Garba becomes very popular and attractive garba destination, with participant count crossing 3,000 boys & girls !!
A number of grand prizes are given out every year at Abhivyakti Garba for the best dancers in a number of categories !! There is also a huge selection of food & beverages available here, at the countless number of stalls selling these delicacies !!
Check out more on IndoreRocks.com for Indore's best restaurants, food festivals, offers, deals, hotels, events, cinemas, movies, attractions, places to visit, and much more !!